February 28,2023
Case 2

February 28,2023
Case scenario..

Hi,I am V.Sreeja,3rd sem dental student.This is online elog book to discuss our patient health data after taking her consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. 

CASE SHEET:A 60 years old male named Dayanandh chary presented with 
Chief complaint of abnormal involuntary movement 7 days ago,vomiting 3 days ago
History of present illness
The patient is asymptomatic 8 days ago.The condition started when the patient complained of abnormal involuntary movement as he consumed three litres of toddy during a family function.The next day he started feeling weak,nausea and by evening the patient experienced the first episode of seizure for about 10 minutes and during the seizures his four limbs were rigid, deviation of eye ball and frothing from mouth,  then rushed to the hospital and he also experienced 3 to 4 episodes of vomiting which are non projectile,no blood in vomit
History of past illness 
Tuberculosis 10 years ago 
No diabetic mellitus
No gastric problem 
No hypertension
Family history
No similar complaints
Personal history
Diet-soft food
Appetite-loss of appetite 
Urine and Bowel movement-regular 
Addictions-alcoholic consumption for about 30 years and increase its consumption more from last 12 years and also tobacco consumption like Beedi for about 30 years 
General examination
Provisional diagnosis - Alcohol withdrawal seizures
T.Lorazepum 2mg 
Inj.Lorazepum 1/2Amp(2mg) IM
Continued thiamine supplementation
Nicotine gums 2mg
Does this leads to any psychological disorders?
What is the reason for loss of appetite and how is related to seizures?
Are there any chances of reattack of seizures?

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